This project aims to develop a drone which can fly from the Eemshaven to a wind park at 75 km distance (and back, obviously including landing and take-off) carrying a 50 kg load. Challenges here are the connectivity with the drone at sea, the cross-border aspect of connectivity, procedures, etc. as well as landing under different weather conditions on such remote offshore wind park. The project’s duration allows reaching its objective in phases. At first the delivery drone is to be tested at the Droneport Eemshaven, the second step consists of a cross-border flight to Borkum, followed by a final flight to the Gemini wind park at sea. The distances which have to be covered here make autonomous flight control imperative. The project’s initial funding amounts to €150,000, it’s term ends mid-2023. The Offshore wind market appears to be quite interested in this project. The affiliated partners EMS and DHSS are keen on commercialising this logistic solution.