More and more, ‘autonomous transportation testing’ is becoming a hot topic these days. However, in the Northern Netherlands we not only talk about it, but we act on it as well! So, are you interested in experiencing autonomous transportation testing? Then the Northern Netherlands is the place to be! The provinces of Groningen, Fryslân and Drenthe have it all: cities and rural areas, industries and spaciousness with excellent infrastructural connections. Groningen and Leeuwarden are fine university cities with an abundance of knowledge and talent. The Northern Netherlands is also known for its inspiring business environment and administrative decisiveness in the field of smart and green mobility. And another advantage: Germany is just around the corner. Read more about the Northern Netherlands as the ultimate testing region for autonomous transportation in this flyer. For more info about the Northern Netherlands as the European living lab for future mobility, please check here.

  • foto-jan-de-morree

    Jan de Morrée

    Jan de Morrée, Program Manager of the Hanzehogeschool

    modern universities for higher professional education, the educational sector, researchers and the corporate sector  work together on socially relevant themes. In collaboration with initiators, students, lecturers and researchers of the Hanzehogeschool, we support pilots in the field of autonomous transport, while focusing on the user, the vehicle, and the infrastructu

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    Christophe Sapet, CEO

    think it is very special that our ‘Autonom Shuttle’  is part of the ambitious project led by the province of Groningen. We cannot wait to see our vehicle driving around in the Netherlan

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    Municipality of Loppersum

    Rudi Slager, alderman at Loppersum

    m proud that my town will be the first where  tests with 5G will be do

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    Ommelander Hospital in Groningen

    Albert Koeleman, Chairman of the Board

    f-driving vehicles and the Ommelander Hospital are a perfect match: ambition and innovation to make things better for patien

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    Green Dino

    Andrea Poelstra, general director Green Dino

    pleasant collaboration with the northern provinces offers unique opportunities for the development of self-driving vehicles. By conducting pilots in places like Eemshaven and Loppersum and by developing 3D simulations, we can make sure that autonomous transport will be sa

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    Michel van der Mark, Programmadirecteur innovatie en performance management bij Qbuzz

    doelstelling van @North om autonoom vervoer in te zetten als één van de middelen om de bereikbaarheid en leefbaarheid van krimpregio’s en dunbevolkte gebieden in Noord-Nederland te behouden en verbeteren onderschrijft Qbuzz volledig. Innoveren start met kennis delen en daarvoor is @North het aangewezen platfo

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    Dorothé Wennekendonk, regiodirecteur ProRail Noordoost

    zien in de autonoom bestuurde trein een kans om meer treinen te laten rijden op het huidige spoor. We zijn nu volop bezig met het testen van deze innovatie, samen met onze partne